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News and Announcements |
Initiated August 2010Welcome four new brothers!
And back in the winter we had 14:
Pledges from Fall 2009 RushI would like to join you all in welcoming in our newest class of pledges (so far) 1) Jordan Kilpatrick (returning pledge champion) 2) Jessie Newman 3) Kris Sanders 4) Suzy Hastings 5) Ryan Krepps 6) Andrew Vaziri 7) Jordan Conard 8) Jay Zuerndorfer 9) Lindsay Resnick 10) Cole Carver 11) Ben Bariteau 12) Elisabeth Pemberton 13) Scott Beale 14) Taylor Hope 15) Josh Siesmore 16) Talia Knapp 17) Christopher Agox 18) Catherine Bartgis 19) Johnathan Kuo And possibly more ~( '_' )~ |
New BrothersThe Gamma Tau Chapter welcomes 14 new Brothers!
Psi U Study Help!Don't fail!Need help? Don't panic! I took the initiative and made a page on our wiki outlining just who to go to when you need help with your studies. Feel free to add yourselves if you want to help anyone else out in our community of awesome. If you need the password to edit the wiki, feel free to ask me or Andy what it is. It's open for any friends of the house to take advantage of. Another note, Amir will be starting weekly study sessions at the library from 3-6pm. It's just more fun to study together, really. Details are on the wiki page above.
This has been a public service announcement,
Rush PicturesPoodleface's slideshow on flickr: Wall of Dew: More Gamma Tau pix can go here: |
Please welcome our 20 new pledges!Rush week was lots of fun and totally awesome. [TODO: get pictures]Here's our new pledges:
New Rush SiteWe have a new rush site for the Fall 2008 Rush. You can find it by clicking the banner at the top of the page, or the Rush 2008 link at the top of the page, or by going to those of you who are thinking about rushing PsiU this is our wiki that is sometimes updated. Feel free to poke around, but definitely check out the Rush site for information about our rush activities, and our METRIC TON OF MOUNTAIN DEW. |
Cheese & DemosComing really soon; Ask a brother for details.See page Cheeze and Demos - Mainpage |
New BrothersWe have 13 new Brothers:
Congratulations! |
Founder's Day Weekend!We'll be holding Founder's Day Weekend on Saturday, October 20th and Sunday, October 21st.Meet us over at the house on Saturday morning at 10am to join us for an alumni breakfast with the active brothers and pledges that area round the house! We'll have the standard fare of eggs, bacon and toast for all alumni to partake in. After breakfast, we'll be making our way over to Malibu Grand Prix in Norcross to race, play and have some fun! Family is welcome to participate as well! After all the festivities in Norcross are over, we'll be making our way back to the house for those who wish to see our homecoming game against the Army. We'll also be watching some Psi U movie classics in the living room for all to quote and reminisce about. After we're all done with the day activities, as the night comes down, we'll have our annual Octogahedonism! To counter our jam-packed Saturday, Sunday will be a day of relaxation and lounging around in Piedmont Park. We'll bring some blankets, frisbees, and general park supplies along for everyone to have a relaxing day and catch up with alumni, the current actives, and pledges that come along for the ride. See you then! |
InstallationInstallation is going to be held Sunday, September 23rd at 7pm.All friends, family, alumni, and brothers are invited! This event is open to anyone and is our only public ceremony for the chapter. Come and join us as we install our new pledges and continue the celebration at our restaurant of choice for the night. See you there! |
Panorama of HouseGregR shot this Saturday Night 7/7/7 -- Click here for FULL SIZE
Eleven New Brothers!> The brotherhood of Psi Upsilon is pleased to announce that it has > initiated *eleven* new brothers! Congratulations: > > Geoff Emmer > Christopher Brett Fuller > Travis R. Harkleroad > Carlos Ivan Isales > Ky-Hyeun Lee > Anastasia Victoria Frances Nienow > Weston Robert Packard > Susan Victoria Queen > Briand Alessandra Rabideau > Enrique Orestes Santos, Jr. > Peter Riki Watanabe > > (This initiation class goes to eleven.) > > -Iain |
Around the House...![]() |
Clint & Greg InitiatedCongratulations to Clint Weigle and Greg Brown, who were initiated as brothers on August 26. |
Gamma Tau boosts Ma Tech to #7 Gaming UniverstiyQuoted from (emphasis mine):
Rush pictures onlineStrick's pictures from Rush are at
Installation -- August 2006 |
Fall 2006 Rush yields 19 Pledges!Congratulations to the following pledges -- all but 3 of them brand new:
Cheeze and Demos 2006 - pics and infoClick for a recap of the 4th annual cheeze and demos parties including pictures and links to the demo productions that we showed.
Pictures from LAN PartyThe WinterZone 5 LAN party was held in September, the weekend after Labor Day. It ran all weekend, for like 48 hours!Strick's pictures are here: 2005-09 Winterzone5 LAN Party |
Rush Pix![]() All eight pledges were installed Saturday and we had a big feast at the chinese restaurant, with three big round tables full of brothers, pledges, & friends. I've uploaded some pictures here: 2005-08 Fall Rush. They're not great; i'm sure someone has better ones. Please attach more to that gallery! |
Fall 2005 Pledge Class & InstallationInstallation will be this Saturday, August 27th, starting at 3pm.
fall rush back in 2002Here's what it was like: |
Ryan's PsiU PicsHere is where I post all the pictures I take at PsiU:
Pictures from Pledge Party & Spring BreakOn April 2, the pledges threw a Tin Foil Hat Party.Back at spring break, we had visitors from PsiU at RPI (Epsilon Iota chapter)
Who's in the Brothers' Room?A few pictures from Dead Week 2005-04
Seven Newest BrothersThe Gamma Tau chapter of Psi Upsilon is pleased to welcome the following seven as the newest Brothers of our chapter:
Social Calendar AddedYou will find the link up at the top of this page, click on the shiny link.strick writes: New better way to find social calendar: [Login] first, then hit [Calendar] at the top. |
recent Pledge ProjectPledges working on the new grill in mid January: Austin, Iain, Peter, Stephen.(Austin, Iain and Stephen are now brothers.)
New InitiatesThe Gamma Tau chapter of Psi Upsilon is pleased to welcome the following six as the newest brothers of our chapter:
Snaps to them all!
Congrats to Roddy, Slinky, Zeus, & CoreyFour new brothers of Gamma Tau initiated this weekend:
Brothers and Pledges ListA list of all active/inactive brothers and pledges.[ the official list is still at --strick ]
Fall 2003 Pledge ClassThe Brothers of the Gamma Tau Chapter of Psi Upsilon announce the new pledges of the Fall 2003 Pledge Class:
Garnet and Gold Award for Academic ExcellenceThus reports Sean Caulfield from the 2003 Convention:Gamma Tau won the Garnet and Gold Award for academic excellence, along with a number of other chapters. Congratulations to all for helping bring out GPA up to the highest I can remember -- 3.0 for all brothers, significantly above the average fraternity GPA of 2.89. We were 7th ranked among all fraternities for GPA at Georgia Tech.
Alumni WeekendSaturday, June 7, 2003; Stone Mountain Park
Christopher Thomas AngellChristopher Thomas Angell was inducted this spring!
New brothers!The fires of anticipation are happily extinguished! Psi Upsilon Gamma Tau proudly announces its newest members: Lisa Jordan, Walter Langendorf, Alan Stoll, Les Wilhelm, and Michael Mitchell. Hurrah!
Winter Rush 2003Rush is Tuesday thru Friday nights (Jan 7-10, 2003).The theme is NUCLEAR WINTER.
Unofficial Site MergedThe unofficial site ( and this wiki have merged (into the same smilax server). The unofficial index page is in the list above, or just click here:
Snapshots....I've put up some new pictures on my personal website -- some from rush, some from the recent Foosball tournament at the Chi Delta Chapter at Duke.
Pledge PictureHere are our Pledges:
Rush Videos (August 2002)Here's a few videos from the rush parties two weeks ago...
Rush ends with 14 pledges!Rush was great fun, was well-atteneded (dispite the week-long scattered showers), and the Gamma Tau chapter finished up rush with 14 pledges, 10 of whom are new since the end of last spring semester.
Fall Rush parties begin Sat Aug 17Here's the schedule...
Questions about this site? Ask strick.
old defunct wiki pages / Other Georgia Tech Psi Upsilon sites: [ Official Site ] [ Unofficial Site ] [ Rush 2008 ] [ Rush 2001 ] [ Social Calendar ] [ PUSOG (Alumni) ] [ Our old wiki ]
(last modified 2022-05-03) [Login] |